General information - Periodization

Periodization glossary
Periodization program A program contains macro cycles, meso cycles, micro cycles and calendar appointments. Periodization library A central reposi...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 5:52 AM
What's on the periodization programs table?
By default, all ‘Active programs’ are shown in this table. A program is active when the timeframe of the micro cycle corresponds to the current calendar day...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 5:52 AM
What is the difference between a 'dashed' cycle and a 'full line' cycle?
Within the periodization programs table, we therefore visually show a difference between a completed program and a program that still has open cycles or mis...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 5:53 AM
How do I duplicate an entire Periodization Program?
When you want to duplicate an entire periodization program, follow these steps:   1/ Make sure that you marked the program you want to duplicate as a ...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 5:53 AM