By default, all ‘Active programs’ are shown in this table. A program is active when the timeframe of the micro cycle corresponds to the current calendar day. 

If you would like to see non-active programs too, then disable the filter.


Following columns are shown:


Depending on the type of Periodization (Team, Group or Athlete), here the selection is shown.

Hover over the picture to see the names.

Periodization program

Start/End date

Name of the entire periodization program

Start / End date of the periodization program

Active Macro cycle

The current macro cycle in this periodization program.

Active Meso

The current meso cycle in this periodization program.

Active Micro cycles

One or more of the current micro cycle(s) in this periodization program.

If there is more than one micro cycle, then click on the arrow at the end of the row, to see all micro cycles.


cycles interface

Macro and meso cycles are typically planned weeks/months upfront.
 Whereby micro cycles are typically planned just (weeks)/days before the actual date.

Within the periodization programs table, we therefore visually show a difference between a completed program, and a program that still has open cycles or missing calendar appointments.

dashed outlined border:
 periodization program is incomplete


full line border:
 periodization program is completed

A periodization program is completed when all active cycles are completed. 


  • When the active macro cycle within a program is completed.
  • When the active meso cycle within a macro cycle is completed.
  • When the active micro cycles within a meso cycle is completed.


General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.