When you want to duplicate an entire periodization program, follow these steps:


1/ Make sure that you marked the program you want to duplicate as a ‘Template’

This can be done inside the general information of the program.

(seen picture on the right)




2/ You can see which periodization program is marked as template, in the following ways:


A bookmark icon is shown next to the periodization program name.

(see picture on the right)


Filter on ‘Marked as program templates’ inside the filter

(see picture on the right)


3/ In the action items, click on ‘Duplicate’

(see picture on the right)


4/ A modal opens.

(see picture on the right)


A: give your periodization program a Name


B: select a new Start Date


C: the new End Date will be automatically filled in, since the new program will have the same duration as the source program.


D: click on ‘Duplicate’

5/ The periodization program is now duplicated.


If you don’t see the duplicated program in your program’s table; bear in mind that by default only the active programs are shown.
 If the start date of your duplicated program is in the future, then disable the ‘Show only active programs’ filter.

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.