Save, Share or Assign

What is the difference between 'save', 'share' or 'assign'?
Save: 'save' an object is done (by default) in your own department.   Share:     'share' an object with other users (persons or workgro...
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 7:01 AM
Where will my data be saved?
By default, when you create/edit/save a record, that record will be saved in your own department. The reason for that is simple: we believe that certain re...
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 7:02 AM
Save, share or assign scenarios
Scenario 1 Doctor John wants to save a document* about athlete Jimmy but doesn’t want Jimmy or his entourage to know about this.  Solution:           save...
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 7:03 AM