Scenario 1

Doctor John wants to save a document* about athlete Jimmy but doesn’t want Jimmy or his entourage to know about this. 

Solution:           save it within your own department – don’t share or assign


Scenario 2

Doctor John wants to save a document* about athlete Jimmy and only wants Doctor Steve to know about this.

Solution:           save it within your own department – share it with Steve

Scenario 3

Doctor John wants to save a document* about athlete Jimmy and only wants to inform Jimmy about it.

Solution:           save it within your own department – share it with Jimmy


Scenario 4

Doctor John wants to save a document* about athlete Jimmy and wants to inform everyone in Jimmy’s entourage. But doctor John wants to keep full control over the document*.

Solution:          save it within your own department – share it with everyone (individually or via a workgroup)


Scenario 5

Doctor John wants to save a document* about athlete Jimmy and wants to inform Jimmy and his entourage about it. Doctor John does not want to be the only person that has control over the document*.

Solution:           save it within department 2 of athlete Jimmy

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.