• By default, when you create/edit/save a record, that record will be saved in your own department.
    The reason for that is simple: we believe that certain records shouldn't be automatically shared with the athlete the record is about. Some records (e.g. an evaluation report about that athlete, an internal document, etc) may contain sensitive information which is about that athlete, but you don't want the athlete to know about it. 
  • Therefore, when you save a record you will have the option to choose where to save it:
    • in your own department
    • in another department (e.g. in the department of the athlete)
  • When saving a record, you will get the option to select the department in which it will need to be saved. Just like how a 'Windows Explorer' works.


General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.