General information - Video

What if my video is slow or in low quality?
Once the video is uploaded, it is ‘online’. When the video is being viewed, this means it is streamed.  The quality and speed of the played video thus dep...
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 8:08 AM
How do I share a video or a playlist?
Users/workgroups can see the videos if their rights allow them to, or if the video is being shared with them.    General info: user functionalities dep...
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 8:09 AM
How do I delete a video or a playlist?
It is not possible to delete a video if it is part of an existing playlist. You then first will need to delete the playlist before you can delete the video...
Wed, 24 Mar, 2021 at 8:09 AM