Following up on the load is a crucial topic within athlete development.

In Panega, load is calculated by multiplying the duration (of a training or a game) with the sRPE that the athlete gives to that event.



Load can be consulted on athlete level, where a tile is shown:



1/ Select whether to take a look at ‘Load’ or at ‘Duration’

2/ Select the date range / period 

3/ Select Competition, Training, or both

4/ Select Chart, Table view, or both

5/ Tile to go to Trakcing data, see next paragraph


(see picture above)


Athletes can use the Panega Athlete App to fill in their sRPE after each training session is completed. This will then be synced with the webapp.

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.