We hereby present the new features added in June 2022.


Dashboard management

The dashboards are now shown in Tabs (like Excel), to give a better overview.

Also, the structure has changed, so you can only see dashboards created within our own tree of Business Units.

A dashboard created in another tree can not be seen anymore.


The Guardian info is now only available inside the section of Guardians.
It has been taken out of the "Contacts" part.


Quick adding of exercises in Training

Find your exercises from your library, or quickly add new ones, just by start typing.


Filter by "Subject" inside the calendar related to Training appointments.

When adjusting or creating your calendar filter, you can now filter by Subject related to Training appointments.

Improvement inside the My Player functionality

When a player is invited via a Workgroup (instead of via the user account), then the appointment is also visible for other users which have been granted access to see the appointments.


Date fields

Now 2 date fields are available:

  1. Medical discharge
  2. Prognosis date

Action menu in documents

The Action menu inside the Medical record documents has been fixed

Medicine intake

The medicine intake form has been adjusted, it now fits the whole screen and it is possible to enter multiple medicines.

Personal development

Fill in Player development reports for a whole team

Instead of filling in a report per single athlete, it is now possible to fill it for a whole team.

You can select Single report (like it was before) or Multiple, so you can fill in a report for all players of a team at once.

New widget showing list of reports

A new widget can be added to the Athlete profile to show a list of certain person development reports.

New team overview

The team overview has been adjusted to one container.

This makes it much easier to search reports and compare players

Compare via the "Chart" icon:

Performance testing

A new option to link "Tags" to a performance test has been created.

You can show/hide the tags.

The Tags can be used to compare a result against other results.

Ea, a blood test is taken each day, but the result needs to be compared to the same type of day.

An MD-1 result is different than after a day of full rest.

Using those tags gives the option to compare all MD-1 results (as an example)

A new widget on Team level

A new widget has been added to show a certain test in relation to a selected tag.

Power BI

A side project for improving Panega for Sport Vlaanderen is to embed Power BI reports created by your own data team.

To get this all operational, having the right permissions and showing at the correct pages also development was needed.
Soon you will be able to see the first drafts.


We have also spent a lot of time working on security improvements.
As the ICT world is changing rapidly and more and more hackers are active online, we have to keep up with security breaches.
As an end-user, you do not notice this on a daily basis, but we think it is good to inform we are continuously working on this.

Bugs and frictions

Further on we also have worked on improving the software by solving several bugs and frictions reported.