In Panega, we use 'Biological Age' to more accurately benchmark athletes against each other.

The calculation of the Biological Age is done by the 'Mirwald' method, to define the Age of Peak Height Velocity.

The prediction of how far an individual is from their Age of Peak Height Velocity(APHV) is based on the differential growth and timing of leg length and sitting height. Legs grow first and are followed by sitting height growth. In addition, the closer an individual is to these events, the more accurate the prediction. Therefore, the ideal age of prediction is 9 to 13 years in females and 12 to 16 years in males.

To predict the years from APHV the following variables are required: gender, date of birth, date of measurement, height, sitting height, and weight. Accuracy of the measurements is of paramount importance, as any errors especially in sitting height will dramatically alter the precision of the prediction.


Starting with Chronological Age en PHV:

- AgePHV = Age - PHV (age is chronological age at the moment of measurement)

- OffsetToReferencePHVAge = AgePHV - referencePHVAge (e.g. ___ = AgePHV - 14)

BiologicalAge = Age - OffsetToReferencePHVAge 

--> referencePHVAge = 14 for boys

--> referencePHVAge = 12 for girls

Mirwald, R.L., Baxter-Jones, A.D.G., Bailey, D.A., Beunen G.P. An assessment of maturity from anthropometric measurements. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2002: 34(4); 689-694.

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