Users who have 'medical permissions' can access the PHV list.

By defining a date range, and the number of centimeters grown in that date range, the Panega system shows which athletes have grown this much. 

Peak Height Velocity

- Men: -9.236 + (0.0002708 * ((A-B)*B)) + (-0.001663 * (C*(A-B))) + (0.007216 * (C*B)) + (0.02292 * ((D/A)*100))

- Woman: -9.376 + (0.0001882 * ((A-B)*B)) + (0.0022 * (C*(A-B))) + (0.005841*(C*B)) - (0.002658 * (C*D)) + (0.07693 * ((D/A)*100))


- A = Length (cm)

- B = Sitting height (cm)

- C = Age

- D = Weight (kg)

This info is related to How is the Biological Age calculated?

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.