Name: 1

The name of the test definition.

Test category: 2

You can create own categories (by clicking the green + button) or editing existing one (by clicking the orange pencil).

Categories are the defining factor in how tests are shown in overviews and dashboards.
 Therefore it is important to define a consistent way before to start using this.

Often used categories: coordination, agility, endurance, strength, speed, balance, …

Categories are shown…:


Type: 3

The type of test can’t be adjusted.

The options to choose from:

  • performance à e.g. 10m sprint
  • medical à test results you want to see in the medical overview of the athlete. E.g. Aerobic threshold
  • all


Items to measure: 4

Here you define your measurable items. 

You can create own items (by clicking the green + button) or editing existing one (by clicking the orange pencil).

Often used items: Wattage, VO2max, (an)aerobic threshold, speed, …


The option is given to select if for this item, a ‘higher value is better’.
E.g. for a sprint test, the result is better when the number of seconds is lower.
 But for a jump test, the higher value will be the better result.


When creating this measurable item, the system requires also a ‘unit’ to be completed. See ‘Unit: 6’ below for more info.


Name: 5

By default, the name in which this test will be sorted on will be ‘Date’, since we believe it is by far the most used.

It is possible to change it if you wish.



Unit: 6

You can create own units (by clicking the green + button) or editing existing one (by clicking the orange pencil).

  • Full name: e.g. Seconds
  • Alternative name: e.g. Sec
  • Storage type (to be selected)

This refers to how the ‘score’/’number’ you will fill in, will look like. 

  1. DOUBLE           à number having decimal
  2. INT                    à an integer / a whole number (no decimal)
  3. LONG              à a longer version of an integer / a whole number (no decimal)
  4. STRING             à text

We recommend always to use ‘DOUBLE’, since it tackles most of the tests.



Data point repetition type: 7



Options to select:

  • single value 

  • Single value is the most commonly used.

  • multi value regular intervals





multi value custom intervals


When selecting custom intervals, no regular data points need to be indicated.

An example:


General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.