Field category


Additional information

Edit functions


Title of the exercise.

This is a column that is not de-selectable and always shown.

Free text field

Age category

Age category until, Age category from 

When adding an age category range for an exercise, this range can be used as a filter when searching exercises for that age range. 

Dropdown > content is self-determinable


Main category, Sub category

Define your own categories within a training.

Dropdown > content is self-determinable

Cognitive impact

Minimum cognitive impact, Maximum cognitive impact

Define the range of cognitive impact that you want to lay upon your athletes.

Range between 0 – 10 > per 0,25

Physical intensity

Minimum physical intensity, Maximum physical intensity

Define the range of physical impact that you want to lay upon your athletes.

Range between 0 – 10 > per 1


Define the author of this exercise.

Free text field


Free text field

Free text field

DistanceDefine the distance parameter in this exercise.Unlimited range > per meter

DurationThis is the Planned duration that was entered in the original exercise.
Unlimited range > per minute

Executed duration

The actual duration of the exercise, after executing it. When a duration is entered, it overwrites the planned duration.

Unlimited range > per minute


Generic tagsExercise tags, that are created in the Tag Manager, or in the Training Library, to add customizable labels to an exercise.Select them by typing or clicking.


Ignore for teamwork minutes

If the box is ticked, then the duration of this exercise will not be counted within the entire training duration.

However, the duration of this exercise will still be coupled to the related objectives in this exercise.

Check box ticked ON or OFF


Number of athletes

Define the ideal number of athletes for this exercise.

This is not linked to the number of athletes that will eventually attend the training or exercise.

Unlimited range > per 1



Objectives that are created within the Training library can be selected here. These objectives will become the ‘Executed Objectives’ when training is finished.

To be defined in the Training Library or via the exercises.

Pitch location

Define pitch locations.

Dropdown > content is self-determinable

Shoe type

Define shoe types

Dropdown > content is self-determinable

Training goal

Define training goals. These are not linked to previously chosen Topics, Objectives, or Categories.
Dropdown > content is self-determinable

Underground type

Define underground types

Dropdown > content is self-determinable

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.