Exercises are clustered within steps.

1/ First, create a new step, by clicking on ‘Add step’ 


2/ Training steps (or blocks), can be customized by giving it a name, adding a description and a type.


3/ When saved, a first ‘step’ is created, giving you the option to either add another ‘step’, or to add an ‘exercise’ inside this ‘step’.

The latter can be done either via creating a new exercise, or by choosing a created exercise from the Training library.


More explanation on how exercises are created is described when discussing the tab ‘Exercises’ within the Training library.

Here, we choose to select an exercise from the Library. When clicked on that button a new page opens.

The selected exercises are added to the training step:

The look & feel of the exercise in the table, and which parameters are important for you, is something you can totally configure yourself via the exercise settings button: 

(see picture on the right)


This button is only shown and accessible if your role (and thus rights settings) allow you to.


1 Field Category

Some fields are grouped together, based on its category.

2 Field

The list of parameters you can add to your exercise.

(The Field ‘Title’ is locked and can’t be hidden)

3 Visibility

Choose if you want to show or hide the parameter.

4 Master / Detail

Choose if you want to have the chosen parameter in the master view or in the detailed view of the exercise.

5 Order

Choose the sequence of how the parameters are shown in the exercises table.



General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.