Option 1: via the calendar

  • click on "new appointment".
  • click on "training appointment".
  • When all required information is completed, there are two options:
    • Click on "Save and close": the training appointment will be added to the calendar, but the training itself is not created yet > it is 'Planned'
    • Click on "Create training": the training appointment will be added to the calendar, and you will be forwarded to create the training content > it will be 'Created'.

Option 2: via the training module:

When in the training module, and clicking on the green + button, a modal pops-up: 

PlanPlanning a training means you add one or more training appointments in the calendar, whereby it's possible to save these without needing to already create the training content.
CreateCreating a training means you first create a training appointment in the calendar and as a next step, creating the training content.
CopyCopying a training means you select an old training, and copy the content to a new date.

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.