Training library

A central repository, containing training templates, training exercises, training topics, objectives, and training tags.


Created in the training library, a training template includes most of the entire training-form and can afterward be used to easily create new training appointments.


Exercises, to be created within the training library or within a training appointment, contain training parameters, drawings, and much more. 


Created in the training library, topics can be added to your training on ‘training level’ (so, not on exercise level) to cluster training in a visualized way.  


Created in the training library, a tree structure of objectives can afterward be added to your training and your exercises.

Training tags

Training tags are part of general tag management. Tags can be used in a totally flexible way to make custom distinctions and classifications.



An individual training

A training for one individual athlete.

A group training

A training for a group of randomly selected athletes.

A team training

A training for a seasonal team.




This can be the duration of the entire training, or the duration per exercise. In the latter, the sum of all exercises-duration can also result in the total training duration.


Is short for “session Rating of Perceived Exertion”, it’s a quantitative evaluation of an entire training session, given by the athlete.


Within Panega, the load of training is calculated from the sum of the duration and the sRPE.



Training level 


Exercise level

A training is a grouping of multiple exercises, and thus more high level. Exercises are the detailed part of a training.




Planned (that can be duration, topics, objectives, …) is what you are planning to do. Executed is what you have done. 





Participants are the users that are invited for a certain appointment via the calendar.

Attendants are persons/users that will attend a certain appointment, but or not necessarily invited via the calendar. E.g. if athletes don’t have a user account, they can’t be a participant (since they can’t receive an invite) but they still can attend an appointment in Panega. 



Planning a training

This means a training is planned (calendar-wise) without the obligation to also create the content of it.

Creating a training

When choosing to create training, it is both planned as well as created.

Copying a training

Creating a new training starting from a copy of another training.

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.