• Star rating
    • Numbers can be selected from 1-10
    • Numbers are visualized as stars 
    • The value of the chosen number is recognized
  • Text 
    • Free text field
  • List
    • Dropdowns
    • It's possible to add value within each dropdown option: 1-10
  • Correction
    • When working with averages for the whole template, this Score Type can be used to manually add a certain score to adjust the averages
  • Toggle
    • A Toggle slider to easily select answer A or B 
    • It's possible to add value within each answer option: 1-10
  • Number
    • A field that recognizes a Number data type 
  • Time
    • A field that recognizes a Time data type

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.