• 1. In the Panega calendar, go to the top right corner, and click these icons:

  • 2. Click on 'Download as Ical'

  • 3/ Give your ICal a name (mandatory)



    4/ Start date                                                                        


    As of this date, calendar appointments are exported to your private calendar.

    5/ End date


    As to this date, calendar appointments are exported to your private calendar. After the end date, no new calendar appointments will be exported.

    Exception: recurring appointments are continuously exported, even after the end date.

    6/ Expires on


    The expiration date of the export link. After this date, the link will be inactive and no longer work.

    7/ Calendar filter


    Add a Panega calendar filter within your export.

    When no filter is chosen, only appointments that you are invited to or created will be exported.

    8/ Save and close


    Save and close this screen.

    9/ Save and next

    Save this screen, and go to the next tab, where you can download the exports directly. (see step 10)

  • 10. Click on the name of the calendar you would like to export to:

  • 11. when clicked, a new page of your private calendar will open, and the exported Ical will automatically be embedded in your private calendar.

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.