The data security within the system is defined based on our ‘rights management' and is subject to:

  • the structure of the departments 
  • the role that is assigned to the user 
  • the place of the user in the departments 
  • the actions a user does in the software

more info per each topic:



The app.panegasports environment is a shared environment, whereby each client has their own department. 

Within their own department, it’s possible to create sub-departments in both a vertical and a horizontal way.


roles & permissions

In that department, the user is assigned one (or more) of the following roles: 

Rule of thumb: there are two main user types: staff and athlete.

  • athlete: only sees data about himself or data that is shared with him.
  • staff:
    1. basic role: a staff user gets a basic role for all general functionalities.  
    2. optional roles: the permission of a staff user can be augmented by assigning him additional roles for e.g. trainingdocumentsperiodizationvideotestingpersonal development, and/or medical.  
    3. for both a basic role, as for the optional roles also ‘administrator’ rights can be activated. an ‘admin’ has much more ‘create’ rights for e.g. templates, definitions, etc.

The assigning of these roles to a user is done during the startup of the client within the platform;

Panega defined the permissions of what a certain role can or can’t do (regarding ‘creating’, ‘reading’, ‘updating’, and ‘deleting’ per different object in the platform), this is a fixed setting and is not adjustable.


place of the user in the department

The place of the user in a department adds an extra layer to data security.



a user can always look ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’:

data is visible for departments within a vertical structure




a user can never look ‘left’ or ‘right’

data is separated by putting departments in a horizontal structure

user’s actions

Following all settings above, a user now has a place in a chosen department, including one or more roles, including according to rights settings. 

As a convenience, we have already made sure that users who are in the same department and that share the same rights settings, will already see the same data. For example, two coaches who are both in the same department will automatically see the same data.

Within Panega, we offer different options for how the user can ‘act with their (or other’s) data with the ‘Save, share or assign’ functionalities.

General info: user functionalities depend on the roles & permissions settings. If a certain functionality does not work within your user account, this will be because you don't have sufficient permissions for this.